Either Wi-Fi or Ethernet enabled Digital Data Logger connects easily to network and provides continuous data transmission to the cloud-based interface. Audible and visual alarms helps those present in the lab identify any out-of-range conditions.
Traceable® WI-FI
Traceable® Bluetooth
Traceable® Ethernet
TraceableLIVE Plans
1 User Only
E-mail and Push Alarms
1 Month Data Storage
Up to 3 Devices
One User Only
Calibration due
and other notifications
E-mail and Push Alarms
Unlimited Data Storage
Unlimited Devices
Unlimited Team Members
Calibration due
and other notifications
SMS Text Notifications*
Monthly subscription
available $8.99/Device
with a credit card
on traceablelive. com
€380/2 Years
E-mail and Push Alarms
SMS text notifications included
Unlimited Data Storage
Unlimited Devices
Unlimited Team Members
Calibration Due notification
21 CFR Part 11 compliance**
Monthly subscription
available $14.99/Device
on traceablelive. com
To purchase a plan, register or log in to traceablelive. com
*SMS Text notification is available on monthly credit card subscription add $2+/month/device or comes included in Premium.
**Meets 21 CFR Part 11 North American Compliance and Annex 11 for Europe.